Recommended Books That Change Lives
When you’re going through cancer treatment, it can be one of the most stressful times of your life. You’re facing many challenges – from the physical pain to the emotional roller coaster. But one of the most important things you can do is to find creative ways to change your life for the better. This isn’t easy, but it’s important. Cancer is a unique experience that can help you see the world differently. You may find that you have a new appreciation for life and may even find ways to help others. The key is to use your cancer experience to become more creative and help others in the same way. So don’t be afraid to face tough challenges – they can lead to some amazing changes in your life and the lives of those you contact.
These ebooks take you on a journey into an unknown and unexplored realm. Through their pages, you will find a journey that takes you through the eyes and experiences of one man who begins to change his life. Each book contains numerous guidelines for changing your life. They are full of hints, explanations, and new ways of thinking that can help you face some of the greatest challenges in your life.
Seeing how much work you must do to get better from cancer or another life-threatening illness can be discouraging. But as you go through the process, it can be enlightening as you find the courage and personal conviction to make changes in your life by encouraging others to see their future as a way to change the many lives they come in contact with.
Each book is a journey we take as we bob and weave through our life experiences. It is our choice as to how we handle these choices. It is impossible to overcome some obstacles without the help of others. So it was for the author when he was relaxing along the shore of a lake in the middle of New Hampshire. At that time, he was unaware of the destructive disease lurking within his body. Years later, he will piece together his journey and work to go from a stage 3 bone cancer diagnosis to a prognosis of living longer than he ever imagined. Cancer and the spiritual awakening he had on his journey were two things that made a big difference in his life. Your life can be extremely productive simply by having the courage to face your disease head-on and using the knowledge you acquired during your treatment phase and the courage to speak to others about the miraculous journey you undertook.
When I was first diagnosed with cancer, I was scared and heartbroken. But I knew I had to fight – not just for myself, but for everyone who loved me. I knew that I had to find ways to improve my life and make it as enjoyable as possible. I began to see the world in a new way. I saw the beauty in everything – even the pain. I realized that cancer was a unique experience that could help me see the world differently. It could help me find ways to help others. So, I used my cancer experience to become more creative and help others in the same way. I wrote poetry, took pictures, and made to help others whose journey may seem difficult or impossible. I even helped people who were going through tough times themselves. In the end, my experience was truly transformative – it made me stronger and happier than ever before.
You have the power to alter not only your world but also the world around you. Explore the following e-books to find the same strength, determination, ability to beat cancer, and anything else that tries to get in the way of your recovery and health.
EBooks by Dr. Ronald Bissell
(Double Click each book picture to open for reading at no charge)

Souls of Light: Mirrors of Light – is an inspiring and thought-provoking book by Dr. Ronald Bissell. It is a guide to embracing spiritual growth and profound life change. The book is full of wisdom and experience and provides readers with an in-depth look into their souls and how they can use this knowledge to better their lives. The book is filled with inspiring stories and personal reflections that will help readers gain a better understanding of their spiritual journey. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to take the next step in their spiritual journey and gain a greater understanding of the power of the soul.

Eban’s World: The Colors of Change is the second book in Dr. Ronald Bissell’s series. It is a parable on life change that follows the journey of the protagonist, Eban, as he begins to understand his place in the world and discovers his soul space. Along the way, he learns how important he is, how important others are, and how important the spiritual journey is in the end. Through his journey, Eban learns how to make the changes he needs to create a life of peace and fulfillment.

–Reflections: Mirrors of Light – by Dr. Ronald Bissell, is a powerful book that takes readers on an enlightening journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. The book provides an in-depth look at the power of our inner world and how we can use it to create profound life changes. Through stories, exercises, and meditations, Reflections offers a unique opportunity to explore the depths of our souls and find the peace, joy, and power that lie within. It encourages readers to take the time to look within, reflects on their own life, and see how their thoughts, beliefs, and actions shape their reality. Reflections also serve as a reminder of the importance of living in the present moment and of taking the time to appreciate the beauty and value of all of life’s experiences. Reflections: Mirrors of Light is an inspiring read that will bring readers closer to their true selves.

Unity – In Unity: Life’s Essence, Dr. Ronald Bissell takes readers on a spiritual journey, exploring the power of unity and how it can help us create a life of purpose, meaning, and joy. Dr. Bissell encourages people to use the power of unity and see how everything is connected through stories and meditations. He tells us how important it is to be aware of how we affect the world and how our actions can change the lives of others. He also tells us to have more compassion and understanding, and to be proud of our connection to God. Unity: Life’s Essence is an inspiring read that can help readers live in harmony with the world around them. It is sure to bring readers closer to their true selves and to the realization of their true potential.

Change begins with you. You are the only one who can create change in your life. And the more you change, the more you’ll be able to manifest your desires and dreams. The truth is, change is always possible – as long as you’re willing to do the work. So start today by making some changes in your life – small or large. And know that, with enough effort, anything is possible.