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Do you feel like your life is passing you by? Do you wish there was something different about you or your life that could change for the better? Well, there is a solution that can help you go with the flow rather than against it. It’s called The Flow State, and it’s an approach that can change the way you view things and lead a happier and more fulfilling life. In this blog post, we will be talking about how The Flow State works and how it can change your outlook on life for the better. So, let’s get started!
What is The Flow State?
The Flow State is a state of consciousness where people feel a sense of complete immersion, clarity, and joy. The precise process by which this occurs is still largely a mystery, but we do know that it has something to do with how your brain handles sensory input (like sights, sounds, and feelings). The Flow State is in many ways the opposite of The Fringe State, which is when you feel scattered and distracted, with a lack of clarity, joy, and purpose. The Flow State is different for everyone, but there are some commonalities between people who are able to reach it.
How to Learn To Go with The Flow
The first thing you need to learn is to drop all your resistance. Resistance is what causes Fringe States to dominate your life. When you’re in the Fringe State, you’re constantly struggling against it, trying desperately to get back into The Flow State. This struggle has the effect of making you feel negative and stuck, and it’s completely unnecessary. The key to dropping resistance is to recognize that it’s a false illusion and to accept this. In order to lose resistance, you need to become more accepting. Accepting that resistance is a false illusion means that you need to drop the temptation to take it seriously, and try to see it for what it is: an illusion. Resistance is simply an illusion, and once you realize this, it’s much easier to drop it.
5 Strategies to Help You Learn To Flow
– Accept the present moment – When your mind is in the Fringe State, you’re worrying about the past or the future, what you should be doing, or what other people think of you. This kind of thinking is what creates Fringe States. Instead, learn to focus on the present moment. This will immediately shift your focus away from the things that are worrying you and causing you anxiety.
-Accept your feelings – Negative feelings like anxiety, fear, anger, regret, and jealousy are all part of the human experience. However, if you don’t accept that you have those feelings, then you’ll struggle to let them go and move on. You have to accept your feelings. This means that you need to accept that you have those feelings, but also accept that you don’t have to act on them.
-Accept your limitations – A big factor in feeling stuck and anxious is that you have an idea of what you think you ‘should’ be doing, and what you want to be doing. But the truth is that you’re not capable of doing everything that you believe you ‘should’ be doing. You need to accept this.
– Accept your basic human nature – Despite what our society might tell us, there are some things that you just can’t control. You are who you are, and you can’t change that. You need to accept this.
Benefits of learning to flow
-Increased happiness – Feeling happy is a basic human need, but we often find ourselves in Fringe States where we aren’t happy. The Flow State is the opposite of this, and people who are experienced in it say that it feels so good that you ‘can’t put your finger on it’. – Increased productivity
-When you’re in the Fringe State, you’re letting your mind wander, which means that you’re not really focusing on what you should be doing. This means that you’re not really productive, and it takes you longer to get things done. This can cause you to feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and resentful.
– Less stress
– When you’re in the Flow State, your mind is focused on the things that matter most. This leads to less stress because you’re not worrying about anything that you can’t control. You’re also feeling good, which leads to less stress.
The Flow State is a state of consciousness where people feel a sense of complete immersion, clarity, and joy. The precise process by which this occurs is still largely a mystery, but we do know that it has something to do with how your brain handles sensory input (like sights, sounds, and feelings). The Flow State is in many ways the opposite of The Fringe State, which is when you feel scattered and distracted, with a lack of clarity, joy, and purpose. The Flow State is different for everyone, but there are some commonalities among people who are able to reach it. The first thing you need to learn is to drop all your resistance. Resistance is what causes Fringe States to dominate your life. When you’re in the Fringe State, you’re constantly struggling against it, trying desperately to get back into The Flow State. This struggle has the effect of making you feel negative and stuck, and it’s completely unnecessary. The key to dropping resistance is to recognise that it’s a false illusion, and to accept this.