Category: Poetic Voices 2

Twists and Turns That Create Life’s Purpose

In the tapestry of life, we find Twists and turns of every kind Like a river’s winding flow We journey through highs and lows Each twist, a challenge to our soul Each turn, a chance to be made whole Through the darkness, we seek the light Guided by stars...
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The Power of Gratitude

In the depths of despair, where darkness reigns, A glimmer of light, a spark that sustains. Gratitude, the beacon that guides our way, Transforming our hearts, with each passing day. When trials abound and hope seems to wane, Gratitude whispers, “There’s more to gain.” For in counting blessings, we...
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In The Realm of Shadows and Whispers

In the realm of shadows and whispers,  Where pain and resilience intertwine, There lies a profound connection,  Between cancer and chronic disease divine. Like a symphony of broken chords,  Their melodies entwined in grace, These afflictions know no borders,  No boundaries, no time, no space. Each battle fought, a...
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The Colors of Courage.

In the canvas of life, colors blend, a tapestry woven, where journeys ascend, and in the face of trials that test, courageous souls rise, they’re truly blessed. Each victory, no matter how small, Becomes a hue in this painting’s sprawl, A brushstroke of bravery, bold and bright, Illuminating even...
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A New Day Dawns

In the darkness of despair, a flicker of hope, A battle fought, a spirit resilient, a life reborn. From the depths of anguish, a story unfolds, A cancer survivor, with a heart that’s adorned. With each passing day, a testament to strength, A warrior’s spirit, refusing to relent. Through...
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