My life’s passion has always been to help others. Ever since my recent treatment for bone marrow cancer that passion has turned to helping people whose life has changed due to a diagnosis of cancer. This article is about having a passion in life is an important part of living a fulfilled life.
Living a passion-filled life is the secret to living a fulfilled life. Our passions are the things that make us feel alive. They could be anything from music to sports to writing. However, having a passion in life doesn’t necessarily mean that you will be successful at it. Many...
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Life at times seems like a crapshoot but underneath those moments lies something beautiful and precious. Life is full of ups and downs but it is still worth living.
Photo bynarciso1 onPixabay All of us have been through tough moments in our life. Sometimes things don’t seem to go the way we want them to and that can make you wonder if this is all for some good reason or it was just a bad decision....
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Sometimes life sends you a curveball in the form of cancer and you need to reboot your system like you would do your computer.
Image Source: FreeImages You’re probably thinking, ‘Hey, what about me?’ The good news is that you don’t need to go to extremes or take radical steps. The bad news is that we’re not too sure how long you have left. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do anything, and...
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Even after years of chemotherapy, multple surgeries, radiation therapy, and targeted antibody therapy, I’ve learned to live in gratitude.
Image Source: FreeImages Life is so precious and fleeting. When will you ever get a second chance at life? Sometimes I wonder why I was even given this one opportunity to live on this earth. The world is so chaotic and evil these days. People see only the...
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7 ways to find happiness while undergoing cancer treatments.
Image Source: FreeImages As we all know, life can be challenging at times. And while that’s true, no matter what kind of trouble you’re having, it can feel especially scary when you face something like cancer, which could kill you. The good news is that there are many...
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