In the blink of an eye, life can change
A terminal diagnosis, a countdown to the end.
Would you change your life if you had a short time to live?
Would you seize each moment and make amends?
Time, like sand slipping through clenched fists
Tick tock, the clock never stops.
Would you chase your dreams and take risks?
Or would you stay trapped in your own thoughts?
Regrets, like ghosts haunting the mind
Would you mend broken relationships and forgive those who hurt you?
Or would you let bitterness consume you and leave love behind?
In the end, would you choose redemption or rue?
If you had but a short time to live
Would you travel the world and see its wonders?
Or would you stay in your safe bubble, too afraid to give
Your heart fully to the unknown, to let go of the tethers?
Would you speak your truth, no matter the consequence?
Or would you keep silent, burying your voice deep?
Letting fear of judgment and rejection
Hold you back, making you weep?
Would you make amends for past mistakes?
Apologize for the pain you’ve caused
Or would you let pride stand in the way?
Leaving wounds unhealed, forever paused?
If you had but a short time to live
Would you savor each moment and hold it close?
Or would you let time slip through your fingers?
Regretting the chances you chose to forego?
Would you reach out to those you love?
Hold them close and cherish each embrace
Or would you push them away, afraid of vulnerability?
Choosing solitude over the messiness of human grace?
Would you take risks and step outside your comfort zone?
Embrace the unknown; face your fears head-on
Or would you stay in the safety of familiarity?
Never knowing the thrill of being truly alive, truly gone?
If you had but a short time to live
Would you let go of regret, anger, and sorrow?
Embrace each day as a gift, a chance to forgive
Live fully, deeply, and wholeheartedly today and tomorrow?
The choice is yours, my friend, to make
Would you change your life if you had a short time to live?
Or would you let fear and doubt take
The reins of your destiny, refusing to give?
In the end, remember this, my dear
Life is fleeting, uncertain, and fragile
Seize each moment and hold it near
For in the end, it’s the memories that will make you smile.