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The fear of any diagnosis is universal. The thought of what lies ahead is paralyzing. The unknown can feel like a trap. But there are ways to remove the fear from your life and embrace the challenges ahead instead of living in constant dread.
Be honest with yourself
In a study of more than 10,000 people with cancer, 56% of participants said they were more confused about treatment options than their diagnosis. With all the information, how does one begin to separate the hype from the facts? We’ve all been taught that cancer is a terrible, terrifying diagnosis. But that’s not the whole story. That’s why it’s important, to be honest with yourself. Some people might be afraid because they have no idea what they’re facing. Some might be afraid because they have a vague sense of what’s ahead. And some might be afraid because they’re afraid of being afraid. If you find yourself nervous, confused, or anxious about a cancer diagnosis, ask yourself why. Is it because you don’t know what to expect? Is it because you don’t know what treatment options are available? Whatever the reason, you can begin to address it. You can start with simple steps like talking to family and friends, reading online or in books, or meeting with a healthcare provider.
Find comfort in others’ experience
Going through treatment is incredibly difficult, but many people have walked the path before you. Read stories from others. It can be inspiring or even reassuring to know that you’re not alone. Reach out to others on social media, in forums, or in support groups. You might be surprised to find that others have gone through the same thing you’re experiencing. If you want to talk to someone who’s been there, you can always try sending a message on social media, but many cancer support groups and meetings are open to the public. Reading stories of others who have been through similar experiences can be comforting. You might be surprised that others have walked the path before you.
Practice self-care
Are you having difficulty sleeping? Is your appetite decreased? Are you experiencing an increased sense of stress or anxiety? If so, it might be a good idea to take a step back and evaluate your health. Be sure to check with your healthcare provider before you change your care. You might need to take a break from work, adjust your diet or exercise routine, or take some time off. There are several ways to practice self-care besides traditional forms of relaxation, such as yoga, meditation, journaling, or even taking a walk. Some examples include: Eating nutritious foods to replenish your body and exercising to reduce stress levels Getting enough sleep will give your body the energy it needs to repair itself.
Think about the future
As you receive your diagnosis, it will be important to think about the future. What will the future hold? What treatments are available? What surgeries, if any, might be required? Although these questions can be overwhelming, they’re an important part of the process. For many people, planning for the future helps take the focus off the present and offers a sense of control over the situation. As you and your healthcare team begin planning for your treatment, be sure to include a plan for your loved ones. They might need to take care of shifts, plan meals, or be ready to help when you cannot work. Try not to let your diagnosis control your life. Remember that you’re still the same person with the same goals and desires. You’re just faced with a new challenge. Instead of letting your diagnosis dictate your actions and how you spend your time, try to remember that it’s just a part of you, like any other diagnosis.
Don’t let cancer define you
Research shows that people with a positive attitude toward cancer are less likely to develop depression, anxiety, and other psychological disorders. To help keep your mind focused on the future and not the past, try to avoid words or phrases such as “Cancer is a disease of old people” or “Cancer is the only horrible thing that happens to you.” Instead, focus on the things that make you happy, the people you love, and what’s important to you. Remember that you’re still the same person with the same goals and desires. You’re just faced with a new challenge. Even though cancer might be affecting your life, it doesn’t mean you should change who you are. You shouldn’t let your diagnosis make you believe that there are no good things in life. Remember that you’re still the same person with the same goals and desires. You’re just faced with a new challenge.
Take steps to reduce your risk of developing cancer
There are many ways to reduce your risk of developing cancer. The most important thing is to stay as healthy as possible and get the recommended amount of exercise and sleep. Avoid tobacco products and alcohol, which increase your risk of developing certain cancers. Avoid excessive sun exposure, which can increase your risk of developing skin cancer. And keep a healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables.
You might feel overwhelmed and unsure, but don’t let your cancer diagnosis define you. There will be challenges in your life, and it’s important to be prepared for them. Remember that no two cancers are alike, and there are many ways to fight them. You can choose the path that’s right for you. If you’re nervous about a cancer diagnosis, you can address it by talking to family and friends, reading online or in books, or meeting with a healthcare provider. It can also help to think about the future. How will you face the challenges ahead? What steps can you take to reduce your risk of developing cancer?