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Understanding the Ups and Downs of Myeloma Proteins After Stem Cell Transplant

The stem cells in a stem cell transplant (SCT) can cure your secondary myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). But the stemcells may also cause new problems. They may transform into plasma cells and release proteins that can damage tissues, as well as cancerous cells. This is especially true if you receive more than one stem cell type at a time. After SCT, these plasma cells are called myeloma proteins because of their tendency to form tumors in the bone marrow where the plasma cells are produced. After SLC, there are a number of ways to deal with the risks that myeloma proteins pose. You can read on to learn more about them, and how they may change over time.

What are the risks of developing myeloma proteins after stem cell transplant?
After stem cell transplant, the stem cells are usually resistant to the normal process of turning into mature blood cells,
so they persist in the body at a low level as plasma cells. These plasma cells can then transform into myeloma proteins.
Generally, myeloma proteins do not cause any serious problems. They may cause mild to moderate symptoms, such as
low blood counts, increased blood clotting, pain, fatigue, and anemia. But in some cases, myeloma proteins can cause
serious problems. These include graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), cancer, and severe anemia. Graft-versus-host
disease occurs when the transplanted stem cells attack the recipient’s tissues. GVHD can cause damage to the eyes,
skin, digestive tract, and other organs. Cancer is a rare but serious consequence of myeloma proteins. If a large number
of myeloma proteins are present in the blood, they can form tumors in the bone marrow.
Can Myeloma Proteins Be Treated After Stem Cell Transplant?
Yes, myeloma proteins can be treated after stem cell transplant. Several treatments are available. Some medications
are only available in clinical trials. Your doctor can recommend one that’s right for you. Anti-myeloma therapy reduces
the level of myeloma proteins in the body and can cure certain forms of myeloma. This includes the following drugs:
Home Treatment for Myeloma Proteins After Stem Cell Transplant
There are also specific dietary recommendations that can help lower the level of myeloma proteins in the body. You
should follow a low-protein diet, along with other lifestyle changes, such as getting plenty of physical activity.
Surgical Treatment for Myeloma Proteins After Stem Cell Transplant
If anti-myeloma therapy does not work, your doctor may recommend surgical removal of a portion of your bone marrow
to decrease the level of myeloma proteins in your blood. This procedure is called ablating the marrow. If ablating your
bone marrow is not an option, you may also consider a stem cell transplant with fewer stem cells. This is called reduced
intensity conditioning. This is a bit more risky, but it may work if anti-myeloma therapy is not effective.

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