Tag: Resilience

Is Remission from Cancer Really What People Think?

Remission: a word that brings both hope and doubt. It’s a big moment in the cancer journey, often seen as a success—a sign that the fight is over. But for many, it’s more complicated. While remission suggests a fresh start, it can also bring new worries, ongoing health issues,...
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Healing Through Compassion. Shine the Love-Light onto the World

Compassionate healing: coming from our common empathy, compassionate healing is the care for and nurturing of one another in taking humane actions to relieve suffering and promote good health. In this falls holism -which is the understanding of our health as a whole- and where others are equally responsible...
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Celebrate More Cancer Warrior Tales

Stories of courage in the face of adversity are universally heartwarming. Can’t they be motivational and bring everyone all together? Every day is a battle for a cancer survivor in fighting with the disease itself; telling their stories can open new chapters of life. Here are tales of individual...
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Shifting Horizons: My Life of Illness

Introduction Sometimes, people realize life’s essence and redefine their horizons with moments that change their lives. It has been a shocking turn that any illness will take you on. This is why my goals are now different, how this experience necessarily changed who I am, and how it relates...
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