Tag: Compassion

Healing Through Compassion. Shine the Love-Light onto the World

Compassionate healing: coming from our common empathy, compassionate healing is the care for and nurturing of one another in taking humane actions to relieve suffering and promote good health. In this falls holism -which is the understanding of our health as a whole- and where others are equally responsible...
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Compassion in a Digital World: A Digital World With No Mercy Comes One To Learn.

Introduction Most of all to our brothers and sisters who are finding their way down the weirdo road of needing cancer treatment in a we’re all-connected-but-everyone-is-too-busy-to-watch digital age. In a digital roar of rampant clamoring, amidst the perpetual self-promoting cacophony and competing calls-to-arms from all causes barraging to hijack...
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A Healer’s Heart: Compassion and Comfort in the Cancer Journey

The road that a person with cancer travels is undeniably tough, both physically and emotionally. As a surgeon who has seen firsthand the impact of cancer on patients, I recognize the role that kindness and solace play in the healing process. Let’s dive into these elements and discuss how...
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Caretakers, Heroes of the Medical Team

In healthcare, we often associate heroes with doctors and surgeons who play a role in medicine. However, a group of heroes works tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure patients receive top-notch care. These are the caretakers who provide emotional support to those undergoing medical treatments. Over the last five...
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